Jellycat 創立於 1999年英國倫敦,品牌一直使用最頂級的材料,可愛及突出的設計,成為世界上最原創最富創意的絨毛玩具品牌,並且獲得世界上最柔軟的玩具品牌殊榮。
Jellycat 玩偶已經成為一種時尚,品牌名稱來自於孩子們喜歡的 果凍 Jelly 和 貓咪 cat 還有孩子們的歡笑聲,成就了今天 Jellycat 品牌的標誌與形象。
每一隻 Jellycat 動物都經過完善的訓練與測試,符合歐盟 EN71 part 1, 2 & 3 與美國ASTM檢驗規範,通過歐洲產品品質認證 CE標章,代表著通過我們嚴格的訓練與測試。
以下是創辦人 brothers Thomas and William Gatacre 訪問談話
“With each collection we take a leap of faith,” he told me. “We don’t hold focus groups, we just go with our gut. Luckily, we’re almost always right… there’s no better feeling than making something you love and watching it sell!
“When it comes to design,” he continued, “the only thing that absolutely doesn’t influence us is what other soft toy companies are doing. We have to ignore our competition because if we’re watching them, we’re already too late. That’s one of our central principles as a company: we shouldn’t do something just because someone else is doing it.”
This idea has driven much of Jellycat’s success, and also informed the business’ strategy to steer clear of mainstream marketing avenues. Unlike its competitors – and, indeed, its customers – Jellycat does not have any social media channels, which seems almost unthinkable for such an Instagrammable product range. “There’s something wonderful about being discovered on an individual basis,” William says, “and we like to let the products speak for themselves. Social media is something we’re looking into, but we want people to buy from Jellycat because they want to, not because they’re being told to.”
Jellycat came into the world at just the right time. However, the brand’s success cannot be put down to luck – but to taking opportunities and building a value-based company with original design at its heart.